2 – "The Tomb": Fashionably Late to the Party

Our first real episode, baby! Join us as we make a relatively shallow – albeit, long-winded – dive into the first story of Lovecraft’s adult canon.

Next Episode: “Dagon”

Official Unrequited Lovecraft Book Recommendation:

Beneath the Rising by Premee Mohamed (also check out the two other books in the trilogy: A Broken Darkness and The Void Ascendant)


Other references in the episode:

Europe’s Hidden Matrilineal Dynasty | House of Garsenda

Winter Tide by Ruthanna Emrys

My Heart Is a Chainsaw by Stephen Graham Jones

A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness

“You’re My Mate” by [not always] Rightly Spoken Frederick

I Am Providence Volume 1 by S. T. Joshi

The New Annotated H.P. Lovecraft and The New Annotated H.P. Lovecraft: Beyond Arkham


And, as always:

For a diverse list of weird fiction authors, be sure to check out queercryptids.com/author-recommendations.

For updates, check out: queercryptids.com as well as @queer_cryptids and @unlovedcraft on Twitter.

Jay can be found @JayBeccus

Banyan can be found @banyanwhite


The HP Lovecraft Literary Podcast can be found here: www.hppodcraft.com/ and @HPPodcraft